What we can offer you

Whether you’re visiting our website as a private person or on behalf of a company, our aim is to help you move forward.

Our approach is as individual as the task you set us.

And we draw on a wide variety of research and communication tools.


Target Group

You alre­a­dy know your tar­get groups and their pro­duct-rela­ted and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve needs? You don’t need mar­ket ana­ly­sis? Congratulations!
Otherwise … 



In-depth explo­ra­ti­ons and eth­no­gra­phic inter­views around the world – our spe­cia­li­ty for many deca­des now. Pro­fes­sio­nal imple­men­ta­ti­on fol­lo­wed by visu­al repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the data. 



The image of your com­pa­ny and its brands is some­thing you hold dear? Does it pale in com­pa­ri­son to that of your com­pe­ti­tors or does it help your pro­ducts to shi­ne brightly?



You have ide­as for a con­cept or pro­duct but aren’t sure if the­re are cus­to­mers for it.
We can find out for you. 


Market Research

As a full-ser­vice insti­tu­te we natu­ral­ly take care of imple­men­ta­ti­on, ana­ly­sis and report­ing (incl. live report­ing) and also orga­ni­se recruit­ment, (tech­ni­cal) equip­ment, cate­ring as well as pro­vi­ding trai­ned staff in all areas.